Is it really true that "imagination is more important than knowledge"? What would happen if we each lived only by our own assumptions and theories until the things that connect us to one another are only make-believe? What do we do when our imaginations lead us to hurt each other?
Something Missing
Exploring the theme of life experiences where something is missing, forgotten, discriminated, or left behind, the two companites have been exchanging their ideas over differences and similarities against the
socio-political contexts of both countries,
and have created an intense presentations in the form of physical theater performances.
Ceci n’est pas la politique
Something Missing is an initiative of creative collaboration between two physical theater companies
: B-Floor Theatre (Thailand) and Momggol (South Korea) ...
SATAPANA was conceived after Teerawat received grants from two international organizations, Art Network Asia (ANA) and Asian Public Intellectual (API), to travel within Asia to research the topic of Censorship and Performing Arts. Teerawat has interviewed artists in Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, Japan, and Indonesia to explore the issue of limited freedom of expression by the state and society, as well as self-censorship.